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           The remarkable legacy of
    Turner Classic Movies is captured in
 the TCM 25th Anniversary Collection, an
upbeat assortment of retro-style essentials
that reimagines archival artwork from the

                early days of TCM.

        A Note from Ben                          What a profound honor it is to be part of       1. TCM Pennant
                                               a television channel that truly matters to        You’ve been loyal to TCM since the very
   So it happened again this morning, just     people, that brings our lives a little more joy,  beginning. Now you can display your team
a few hours before I sat down to write         that connects us a little more meaningfully       allegiance with this classic felt pennant, a fun
this brief introductory note to thank all      with friends and family, including those no       nod to vintage sports memorabilia. It’s perfect
of you for your support of TCM - and for       longer with us. For 25 years now, TCM has         for home, the office, or as a movie-themed
purchasing this catalog: 244 pages, one for    been presenting classic movies as they were       party decoration.
each of Meryl Streep’s Oscar nominations.      meant to be seen - uncut and commercial           HY2173131X | $14.99 $11.95
                                               free. I’ve been a part of TCM for 16 years,
   I was in the airport, ready to board my     and I can promise you that our plan, for          2. TCM Sweatshirt
flight to head home to Los Angeles after       the next 16 years, 32 years, 64 years, is to      A nod to the collegiate set, this super soft
another TCM studio shoot. As I was buying      continue to bring you these pictures just as      unisex sweatshirt is embroidered with the TCM
a newspaper (they were once popular items      we have for the past 25.                          logo. A classic fitted style brings modern appeal.
that gathered all the stories from around the                                                    S HY2173228X | $69.99 $53.95
world and wrote them up in newsprint on            This catalog, we hope, invites you to         M HY2173444X | $69.99 $53.95
a paper that could be - you won’t believe      share in our collected history, whether your      L HY2173336X | $69.99 $53.95
this - DELIVERED TO YOUR HOME), a man          interest is piqued by the vast selection of       XL HY2173361X | $69.99 $53.95
approached me, reached out to shake my         DVD and Blu-Ray titles, or the merchandise        XXL HY2173229X | $69.99 $53.95
hand and said, “I just want to thank you and   we’ve selected as part of our 25th
TCM for all you do to keep these movies        Anniversary Collection. Look, we’re all part
alive.” Hardly a day goes by that some         of a growing, passionate club - a team of
manner of that exchange doesn’t happen in      classic movie lovers. There’s nothing quite
my life. I know Robert Osborne experienced     like spying a fellow TCM fan as we navigate
it thousands of times, as do Alicia, Eddie,    an increasingly polarized world. You throw
and Dave.                                      on a TCM t-shirt as you hustle from terminal
                                               A to terminal C, or walk through a mall (we
                                               still have malls, right?), you’ll experience
                                               what I do every day - maybe it’s just a look, a
                                               smile, or a nod - but it’s a shared connection
                                               with another human being. And that counts.
                                               It counts a great deal these days.
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